Hair Loss in Women: Causes and Treatment

Hair loss, known medically as alopecia, is fairly common. This problem is caused by very different reasons in both men and women. Especially women may experience hair loss problems due to varying hormone levels.

What’s Hair Loss?

Hair is a special skin attachment produced by skin cells involved in hair follicles on the scalp through the use of various proteins such as keratin, and elastin. The development, growth, and loss of hair occur within three stages.

New hair, called Anagen, forms and develops during the growth phase, which is 2-8 years in length. In a healthy body, 85 to 90 percent of hair is in this phase. This phase of arm and leg hair, eyelash and brow hair, takes about one month.

In the ketogenic phase, the hair is fully mature. In this phase, matured hair slowly begins to thin and weaken. This phase lasts about 2-3 weeks.

At the end of the telogen phase, which can last for 2-4 months, the roots fall out. Increasing the number of hair moving into this stage causes mass hair loss called telogen effluvium.

Hair Loss Causes in Women?

Hair loss in women’s causes can be addressed in a broad framework that can vary from daily lifestyle habits to underlying health problems. In this respect, women may experience loss hair due to the following causes:

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium can be caused by extreme stress, thyroid problems, blood pressure medication, gout medication, more-than-ideal vitamin A, hormone changes, menopause, and birth control pills. It is usually well-tracked and temporary.


In the course of all kinds of local infectious diseases, hair loss can occur regionally or across the haired skin. Losing your hair can be depending of infectional factor.

Chronic Disease

Losing your hair can be seen depending due to the skin with hair being affected in the course of as a lupus, sclorederma and celiac disease.

Hormonal Disordes

Losing in women’s hairs can experience in hormone imbalances, such as irregular menstrual cycles, pregnancy, or menopause.

Psychological Problems

Psychological factors such as depression, common anxiety and stress can result in impaired hair tissue and loss. Stress can also inhibit the production of new hair textures by initiating an inflammatory reaction. Stress induced hair loss can continue several months.

What are the Cycles of Hair Growth?

The hair growth cycle consists of three phases. These are phases of growth, decline and regeneration. This is called the lifecycle of hair. The anagene stage is the growth stage of the hair and lasts for 2 to 6 years. The katajen stage is the transitional period of hair. It is also a phase of degeneration. It takes 2 to 3 weeks. The final stage is the telogen phase. It’s also called a resting phase. The hair regeneration process stops and the shedding takes place. When this phase ends, it is return to beginning.

Sudden Hair Loss Reasons

Sudden loss of hair can be the result of physical or psychological shock. In such cases, hair follicles fall loose. However, this problem can be experienced due to genetic reasons. At the same time, depending some medical processes can be losing in your hair. However, it is possible to heal this with temporary medical treatments.

Antidepressant and Hair Loss

Depending on the use of antidepressants, shedding can occur in your hair. This problem is particularly common in people who use lithium. Besides to shedding, there can also be thinning of the hair. This problem only passes when antidepressant using ends.

Hair Loss in Women After Covid

People who have experienced this disease a long time ago describe having different effects. These effects include hair problems. A researches of patients proved to be accurate. Specialists say this may be related to a condition called telogen effluvium (TE). One of the potential triggers for TE is having a feverish acute illness. Coronavirus is one of them. The loss problem is known to pass spontaneously after a period of time.

Hair Loss Treatments

Hair loss in women treatments are more various. If the loss of your hair has developed depending on the disease, you can heal on this problem with appropriate treatments. In other lossing, it will apply treatments are mesotherapy and stem cell therapy. Always contact a your doctor for advice before starting or finishing any treatments for lossing your hairs.

For those with alopecia disease, hair transplant methods may be another preference. Check with your specialist for this.

Which Women are Likely to Experience This Problem

You may experience lossing of your hairs during menopause due to reduced production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These changes also lead to symptoms like menstrual cycle irregularity. This symptoms like dry skin, night sweats, weight gain, and vaginal dryness. May experience hair loss in women over 40. This stutiation is normal. The problem of lossing in hair is common as menopausal periods are approached at this age.

Ways to Cope With This Problem

It’s also important to address the psychological impact of this problem. If you’ve this problem, life will be easier if you can accept what’s happened and learn to live with your altered appearance.

Below are some useful self-help options.

Join a Group

Especially if you have alopecia, join a group of other people with the same disease as you. When you talking to them, life will be easier for you.

Accept to This Problem

Life is not easy for people experiencing this problem. But try to come to terms with your hair loss. One way to do this is to make a list of all your good qualities. And focus your energy on celebrating these attributes.

Talk About it with Your Doctor

Discuss lossing in your hair with your doctor, preferably early on. Let your doctor know how you feel about it and what kind of support you need. And you follow to the your doctor advices.

Avoid Unknown Cures

Do not be taken in by claims for unknown products. There are no cures for lossing hair in women.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main reason for hair loss in females?

There isn’t one reason for this problem. It can comprise of depending on different reasons. These are mostly hormonal problems, irregular life activities, and other diseases. You need to doctor check to learn root causes.

What is the best thing to do for female hair loss?

Usually, natural oils care just might work. At the same time, you need to regularly wash your hair. Because greasy hair is most likely to be a loss. In the mean time, combing your hair every day can also work.

Can hair grow back after thinning?

Your thinning hair can grow back with good treatment. Treatments administered are usually hair treatments, and blue serum treatments. Apart from these, the different medical treatments your doctor recommends may also work.